About Us

The FKCA (Federation of Konkani Catholic Associations), extablished in 1998 for espousing the cause of Konkani Catholics of Bengaluru and also to work in the larger interests of the community not only in the entire state of Karnataka & other parts of India but also around the Globe. It comprises as many as 30 Konkani Catholic associations in different parts of Bengaluru and Mysuru, besides 11 associations in different countries, including four in Dubai, Abu Dhabi in UAE, one each in Kuwait, Qatar, USA, UK and Canada etc. The FKCA today has made a strong presence by putting forth and taking up grievance of Konkani Catholic community with several governments as a united forum and fighting for their rights.

Major achievements of the Federation include:

  • Taking the initiative in helping several members of different affiliated associations in getting we-developed housing sites and low cost housing apartments.
  • Free Medical / Dental / Eye camps / hearing wellness camps for all communities.
  • Provided free Spectacles and Cataract surgeries for poor of all communities.
  • Blood donation camp
  • Free Placement service cell, Matrimonial cell
  • Founded a professional organization "Kanara Entrepreneurs" for Entrepreneurs and Professionals.
  • Federation Sports day - Mangalore Mazaa (annual sports event)