Christmas Dabazo 2023

Christmas Dabazo, a delightful celebration held on the 10th of December 2023, unfolded with a serene holy mass, led by the Reverend Fr. Rony Coutinho.

After the mass, the event evolved into a captivating journey through joy and togetherness with a vibrant stage program. Clament Crastha, the dynamic President of SAKK, set the tone by extending a heartfelt welcome to distinguished guests, including Fr. Rony, Fr. Casimir D’Souza (Treasurer of SAKK), Tony Pinto, and the esteemed OB's of FKCA.

The air was filled with appreciation as the winners and participants of Kalanjali were duly acknowledged for their outstanding contributions. The excitement reached its pinnacle with the entry of Santa Claus, greeted by the exuberant cheers of the assembled crowd. Adding to the jubilation, the SAKK family presented a vibrant dance performance, infusing the atmosphere with infectious energy and festive spirit. The celebration drew to a delightful close with a shared dinner, fostering a strong sense of community and camaraderie among all attendees.

Christmas Dabazo 2023 elevated beyond a typical event, becoming a refined showcase of elegance, unity, and festive joy. The seamless integration of traditional and contemporary elements left a lasting impact on those present. The cherished memories created during the celebration are anticipated to endure, resonating with warmth and camaraderie long after the echoes of laughter have subsided.