Coronavirus India COVID-19 Live Update

FKCA Family Day (Monthi Fest)

This is FKCA Public Service initiative

The spread of novel coronavirus in India has created panic in the country. After the first confirmed positive case was reported on January 30 in Kerala, the epidemic has reached many other cities in the country, infecting several people.

The novel coronavirus, which originated in China, has claimed thousands of lives across the globe. With no known cure so far for the disease, COVID-19 has become a major issue for the entire world.

Karnataka Update:

COVID-19 -Maps around the world
Maps of coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading around the world

Note: About Data collected
The figures used in this report are based on the numbers put out by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare & National Health Mission, Health & Family Welfare Services, Government of Karnataka|WHO Updates. The ministry collects data from individual states and keeps updating the tally on its website multiple times in a day. But since there is no fixed time when these numbers are updated, we don't update our numbers throughout the day. Instead, we take the numbers that are available on the ministry's website at 11.59pm every day. Besides this, at times the ministry's website releases an overall figure with a note saying state-wise details are awaited. For our report, we DO NOT take the overall figure unless it matches with the state-wise breakup.
